Coming out of 2020...

 we were given the opportunity to start fresh, to create something remarkable.  In a long forgotten folder was an outline and set of plans from a decade old passed up opportunity on the west coast. A decrepit bank building on Main Street offered a Pandora's box of possibilities of eerily similar dimensions.  A decision had been made.

Diplopia(meaning: double vision) was chosen as we were tossing around ideas, one of which was the desire to serve wine alongside/outside of our services.   However, the state of WI would rather not see groups of intellectuals come together.  No wine for us, but the name stuck.


Dry eye syndrome can significantly impact daily life, causing discomfort, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light. Tasks like reading, driving, or using digital screens become challenging. It can affect productivity at work and diminish the quality of leisure activities. Social interactions may suffer due to discomfort or redness. Untreated, chronic dry eye may lead to corneal damage and vision impairment. Seeking proper diagnosis and management is essential to mitigate these impacts and improve overall well-being.

Instead of using drop after drop after drop for temporary relief, start addressing the root cause of dry eye. At Diplopia, we offer top of the line treatments that provide true relief and shocking comfort! You don’t have to go through life with sand in your eyes. That burning sensation can heal. We will work with you to develop a treatment strategy that will vastly improve your quality of life