ZEST, short for Zocular Eyelid System Technology, is a gentle yet advanced in-office procedure designed to improve eyelid health quickly and effectively. Using the ZocuKit pack, which contains everything needed, ZEST safely removes biofilm from the eyelid without causing trauma, making it ideal for patients with conditions like Demodex, MGD, or rosacea.
The procedure uses a specialized ZEST gel and ZocuSwab micromatrix foam tip to gently lift and remove biofilm through biomechanical modulation—without relying on harsh tools like steel paddles. This process delivers instant results, improving eyelid health within minutes.
ZEST is so gentle that no anesthetic is required, and even if the gel reaches the ocular surface, it causes little to no discomfort. With the all-in-one ZocuKit, everything you need is at your fingertips—no expensive devices or ongoing maintenance required. Simply open a ZocuKit for each patient and enjoy transformed results within 20 minutes!